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求一篇感人电影的观后感 要英文的
大致情节是这样的一个有钱人家的小女孩的爸妈总是吵架 另一个场景是一个捡破烂的老爷爷收养的一个小女孩 故事围绕他们的娃娃展开 有钱人家女孩有好多娃娃 但是穷人家的女孩只有一个路边捡到的娃娃 那个捡破烂的爷爷有一天给小女孩捡一支笔的时候被车撞死了 然后小女孩只能去买花赚钱 但是她没有绝望 有钱人那家的妈妈 就像带着自己女儿一起死 后来被她女儿的笑容感化了 没把车开到水里……
只要100字过一点的 高中程度就行了
人气:454 ℃ 时间:2019-12-22 19:23:27
It's a very good movie,which made me meditate.The story is about two girls who lived in different family.One of the girl is very poor,she lived with a old man who collects garbage.The other girl is from a very rich family,but her parents were always fighting each other.The rich girl had many dolls but the poor girl had only a bad doll which she found it on the road.One day the old man who lives with the poor girl died because he crushed by a car when he was trying to get a pen for the poor girl.But she wasn't upset,she lived by selling flowers.The rich girl's mom was trying to die with her daughter by driving the car into the water but she finally didn't do it because of her daughter's smile.I think the theme of this poem is that money can't make people happy.
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