> 英语 >
1.约翰通过辛勤工作还清了债务(pay of one`s debt) 2.女王破例让自己的孩子去普通学校就读(break the precedent) 3.我不知道为什么,但是我觉得他在说谎(have the sence) 4.要想健康的生活,吃得好并进行大量的锻炼是重要的(be essential to/for)
5.今年夏天雨特别多(quantities of) 6.这就等于让我把整个事件复述一遍(amount to) 7.牛奶含有大量人体需要的营养成分(an abundance of) 8.新的建筑物犹如雨后春笋般出现在这座城市里(spring up) 9.这桩婚姻注定要以失败告终(be doomed to)
人气:407 ℃ 时间:2019-08-01 05:00:15
John paid off his debts throughhard work .
The queen break the precedent to let their children to ordinary schools.
I don't know why, but I have the sense thathe was lying.
Eating well and doing a lot of exercise is essential to have a healthy life.
This summerthere are quantities ofrain.
This is amount to let me repeat the whole event .
Milk contains an abundance ofnutrients needed by human.
The new buildings are springing up in the city .
The marriage is doomed to end in failure.
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