> 英语 >
银行的长期和中期目标是什么啊?medium-term and long-term objectives of banks?
medium-term and long-term objectives of Australian banks?
thanks for you explanation,it's good.but how about the medium-term and long-term objectives of the central bank,like RBA (Reserve bank of australian?)
人气:203 ℃ 时间:2020-04-08 14:05:08
Now I am backing here to answer your question!
I found from the websites of Australia government,
the Financial and Administration policy:
Same as the Government achieve its policy objectives
1.contributing to sustainable Government finances;
2.improved and more efficient Government operations;
3.an efficiently functioning Parliament.
(I will treat them as long-term policy)
Then the website also tells RBA-terms as,
(a) the stability of the currency of Australia;
(b) the maintenance of full employment in Australia;
(c) the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia."
(I treat them as mid-term policy)
If you need more details please visit the public website as below:
Since I am traveling now,I need to check the Australian government economics policy then can find RBA's terms.
I will try to find it for you later!
Most of Australian banks should have their very mature medium-term and long-term objectives.
Since you did not specify which commercial or invest or others special functional bank you are asking,I assume it as,
Medium-term objectives of commercial banks only:(if you getting interested I will find some for invest bank later)
1.Developing more branches and partners.
2.Gain higher market share like accounts volume.
3.Gain higher premium from loan between deposits.
4.Less amount of bad debit.
5.Get higher evaluating ratio for international credit societies.
long-term objectives of commercial banks only:
1.Devloping worldwide branches or office.
2.Connecting global most stable developed countries.
3.Assets and net value enlarge 100times.
For your reference only.
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