1) C/L migration:
1 and customer's drawing pad parts above length no data, data measured not control;
2, covering membrane window is cutting machine cutting out after completion, cutting window need for two, two drill holes drilled positioning is cutting out, positioning hole during cutting positioning hole prone to rent or not round etc. Phenomenon, attached with a lead to coverage of membrane positioning hole to not neat, products hole that led to open the window migration, appear C/L migration.
2) short-circuit:
1. 打样时因数量少作业员手工开料,由于基材薄,开料后产品有些折皱,导致曝光时出现曝光不良,DES后形成短路现象.
1. When less homework because of quantity salesman manual opens the material, because members backing thin, opens the material products, leading to expose some wrinkles appear after exposure bad, DES formed short-circuit phenomenon.
2. Sample proofing delivery tight, then test fixture did not make back, so our company 40X provisionally requirements under microscope in FQC inspectors to open the lines, for 100% short-circuit test that causes not carefully inspectors, adverse undetection outflow
3. 流出原因:
3. Outflows reasons:
Inspector without careful not found that lead to bad undetection outflow.
4. 发生对策 :
4. Happen countermeasures:
1) C/L migration:
1. Find indusium window offset big products need to test several confirmation, beyond the tolerances products rejected processing;
2. When open mass production to completely avoid the steel mold phenomenon.
2) short-circuit:
1. Commuting requirements, material process make sample regardless of the quantity, want to use the machine to ensure open material base material smoothness.
2. 电测治具已经OK,量产时通过电测治具对开短路进行测试,可以彻底避免此不良流出;
2. Electrical measurement fixture has OK, mass production by electrical measurement when opening fixture short-circuit test, can completely avoid the bad outflow;
5. Outflows countermeasures:
1. 客诉不良对FQC检验员进行培训,同时后续所有的样品检查FQC固定2人专门对应.
1. Poor aftersale inspectors to FQC trained, and subsequent all samples check FQC 2 special fixed position.