> 英语 >
人气:465 ℃ 时间:2020-02-04 07:29:22
carry carry sb back(to sth) 使回忆carry on 继续移动 carryout 履行,执行
come come up with 提出/找到 come up 发生,出现 comeback 回来come true实现
have ”有“-”某人或某物有什么” eg:I have an apple.
“吃;喝” eg:Do you have lunch?
get get along with 与...相处;进展get down 记下 get over 克服 get on 上车、船、飞机
get away from 离开
go go through 经历 ;仔细检查;履行
go to a movie 去看电影 go shopping 去购物
go to work 去上班 go fishing 去钓鱼
go to bed 去睡觉 go dancing 去跳舞
go home 回家 go swimming去游泳
make “促使” ·1‘“make +宾语 +(省略to)do”迫使某人做某事被动语态:be made to do.
eg:The boy make the girl cry.=The girl was made to cry by boy.
put put down 放下;降落put off 推迟 put sth back 将某物放回
take“ 拿走”take...to...把...拿到...pleae take these books to the classroom.
take away 拿走 I don't like this food.Please take it away.
乘坐;花费(时间).take part in 参加
turn turn on(打开)/turn off(关闭)/turn up(调大)/turn down(调小)(声音)
take turns to do sth .轮流做某事 it's one's turn to do sth .轮到某人做某事
turn out 结果 证明 原来 turn ioto =become变成
eg:we wanted to get home before dark,but it didn't quiet turn out as planned.
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