在社交场合谁都想能给别人留下深刻的印象,使对方或周围的人尽快记住你..要做到这一点,你就必须引人注目.we all want to make a deep impression for people when we attending social activities which can make people remember you as soon as you can.in order to reach this goal,you should be attactive.
穿戴色彩动人的服饰,佩戴一件令人感兴趣而且不同凡俗的装饰品比如,如果是女士,则可以选择一幅手工制作的风格独特的耳坏.wearing colorful ourfits or putting on some intereting and fabulous ornament,giving that you are a lady,then a pair of special handmaking earring can makes you stand out.
.精神振奋.许多人常常神萎靡不振,对比之下,人们容易记住精神抖擞的姿势.compare to disprited person,people usually remember the highl sprit ones.
培养一种有趣的爱好,或掌握某方面奇物的知识.and cultiating a hobby such as the knowlodge for something and be aticulating and straight forward instead of indirect说话要吐字清楚且直截了当,特别是在工作场所,不要拐弯抹角,含糊其辞,也不,especially in work place ,these are the important things youshould remember.and adding a question that ask the listener if he or she understand what you have said is needed.要每句话后都加上“你明白吗?