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The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as ____ its soils and the water of its...
The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as ____ its soils and the water of its lakes,rivers and oceans.为什么谓语用are?还有那个of its .its是指什么
人气:202 ℃ 时间:2019-11-24 04:39:00
其实是这个as...as结构让你看不清楚了.是the atmosphere is a part of the earth.和the soils are a part of the earth.这两个连在一起说的是大气对地球的重要性就像地球上的土对地球起到的作用一样.而and 又是连接了一对并列句.即大气那句和水对地球的湖和海一样.这三者大气土壤水源都是对地球很重要的.所以its是指the earth.不知道你懂没懂.你讲的我有点明白了 但是这个句子让我觉得乱七八糟的 还是有点不明白!!!你可以理解成The atmosphere is as important as soils.跟这个是一个道理。就像我刚才说的他只不过是把两句结构一样的话用as as 连在了一起。即 is a part of the earth 部分。这也同时说明了后面its 指的是地球。
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