1.Lily buys a box of mosquito incenses,every mosquito incense can burn one hour.Now Jim asks Lily to use these mosquito incenses to count 45min.How can Lily finish his work?
2.An exlorper sets out from a place.First he walks to south 1000m,then he walks to east 1000m,at last he walks to north 1000m,and he finds that he comes back the place he sets out from.This place is ____
人气:155 ℃ 时间:2020-05-04 18:33:25
Q1:There are 10 incenses in a box.She can use 2 of them to count 45min.Now,we use A,B identify them.At first,she lights A at one endpoint,and lights both endpoints of B.When B is burned up(Half an ho...
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