talk about fanmous people的英语作文要有出身年月获得的成就60词左右
人气:196 ℃ 时间:2020-06-03 04:06:58
悬赏低了点,不然还是愿意做做的.现在囊写的是乔布斯。。Steven Paul (born in 1955) is an American businessman and inventor. He is the co-founder and chief executive officer(CEO) of Apple Inc. Jobs also once served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; hebecameamember of theboard (董事会) ofThe Walt DisneyCompany in 2006, He loaned money for movie Toy Storyin the 1995.Inthelate1970s , Jobs,withAppleco-founderSteveWozniak,Mike Markkula, and others,designed ,developed , and marketed one of the first successfullnesofpersonalcomputers,theApple II series.Intheearly 1980s,Jobswasoneof the firstto seethe potential. After losing apower struggle withtheboardin1984,Jobsresigned fromAppleand foundedNeXT,acompanyforthe highereducationandbusinessmarkets. In 1996,Jobsback to thecompany he co-founded.In1986, heremainedCEOandmajorityshareholderat50.1%until 2006. Finally, JobsbecameDisney'slargestshareholder at 7%.