英语作文请假条 假如你叫小明,因发烧不能上学,请你给老师写一封请假条
人气:308 ℃ 时间:2019-12-20 19:34:53
Dear Miss WangI am sorry that I can't go to school because I have a high fever. My mother has to take me to hospital. I have to take one day off. I will ask my friend the homewok and the lessons. Plea...
- 写一篇,请假条英语作文,因为踢球,吹风,然后发烧,然后去看医生,医生建议休息一天,
- 我感冒发烧了,不能上学,请用英语给老师写一张请假条!
- 因发烧不能去上学 写一张英语请假条
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