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一个青黄不接的初夏,一只在农家仓库里觅食的老鼠意外地掉进一个盛得半满的米缸里.这意外使老鼠喜出望外,它先是警惕地环顾了一下四周,确定没有危险之后,接下来便是一通猛吃,吃完倒头便睡.老鼠就这样在米缸里吃了睡、睡了吃.日子在衣食无忧的休闲中过去了.有时,老鼠也曾为是否要跳出米缸进行过思想斗争与痛苦抉择,但终究未能摆脱白花花大米 的诱惑.直到有一天它发现米缸见了底,才觉得以米缸现在的高度,自己就是想跳出去,也无能为力了.
对于老鼠而言,这半缸米就是一块试金石.如果它想全部据为己有,其代价就是自己的生命.因此,管理学家把老鼠能跳出缸外的高度称为"生命的高度".而这高 度就掌握在老鼠自己的手里,它多留恋一天,多贪吃一粒,就离死亡近了一步.
人气:116 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 19:25:20
A temporary shortage's first month of summer,the mouse which looks for food in the peasant family warehouse falls into one to be abundant accidentally in the half-full rice jar.This accident causes the mouse to be delighted,it was first looked all around vigilantly all around,after determining did not have the danger,then is fiercely eats,finishes eating to the end then rests.The mouse like this ate in the rice jar has rested,rests has eaten.The day passed by in the food and clothing without cause for grief's leisure.Sometimes,mouse also once for whether can jump out the rice jar to wage the ideological struggle and the painful choice,but has not been able to get rid of the white and shiny rice eventually the enticement.Until one day of it to discover that the rice jar saw the bottom,only then thought that by the rice jar present's altitude,oneself is wants to jump,was also helpless.speaking of the mouse,this half cylinder rice is touchstone.If it wants to appropriate to oneself completely,its price is own life.Therefore,manages the scientist to be able to jump out the mouse outside cylinder's high named " the life altitude ".But this highly grasps in mouse own hand,it is reluctant to part with for one day,the gluttonous grain,left dies near one step.in the real life,the most people can achieve is having the dangerous place to halt obviously,but can know clearly the latent crisis,and the prompt spanning " the life altitude ",did not have to be so easy
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