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高一英语翻译加急急 急 ,在线等
1我一说话,就会结结巴巴 (EVERY TIME)
2 他打电话给我的时候 我碰巧出去了(HAPPEN TO )
3 用户英语与外国人攀谈并非易事(CONVERSATION)
4 我宁愿把钱花掉也不愿意让他躺在银行里(LEAVE STH LYING)
5 当我们第一次和外国人交流时,我们必须避免一些涉及到别人私人的问题(PRIVATE AFFAIRS)
人气:209 ℃ 时间:2020-03-18 01:53:10
1.I stammer every time when I speak.
2.I happened to be out when he called me.
3.It is not easy to make a conversation with foreigners in English.
4.I prefer to use the money than leave it lying in the bank.
5.We must avoid some questions about other people's private affairs the first time when we communicate with foreigners.
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