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Autonomous agents cooperate by sending messages and using concepts from a domain ontology.A standard message format with meaningful structure and semantics,and a mechanism for agents to exchange ontologies and message interpreters,have become key issues.Furthermore,the message format should be accepted not only by the agent research community,but also by all information providers.Dynamic agents send and receive information through XML encoded messages.We use a KQML/FIPA ACL-like format,encoded in XML.In fact,an XML document is an information container for reusable and customizable components,which can be used by any receiving agent This is the foundation for document-driven agent cooperation.By making Web accessible to agents with XML,the need for customer interfaces for each consumer and supplier will be eliminated.Agents may use XML format to explain their BDI,explaining new performatives by existing,mutually understood ones.Based on the commonly agreed tags,agents may use different style DTDs to fit the taste of the business units they mediate.Further,adynamic agent can carry an XML front-end to a database for data exchange,where both queries and answers are XML encoded.The power of XML,the role of XML in E-business,and even the use of XML for agent communication,have been recognized.Although XML is well structured for encoding semantically meaningful information,it must be based on an ontology.As ontology varies from domain to domain,and dynamic for dynamically formed domains,The more significant issue is to exchange the semantics of domain models,and interpret messages differently in different problem domains.Generally speaking,domain ontology provides a set of concepts,or meta-data,that can be queried,advertised and used to control the behavior ofagent cooperation.These concepts can be marked using XML tags,and then a set of commonly agreed tags,underlie message interpretation.The structures and the semantics of the documents used in a particular problem domain are represented by the corresponding DTDs and interpreters.We use different languages,all in XML format,for different problem domains,such as product ordering,market analysis,etc.Accordingly,we use an individual interpreter for each language.Dynamic agents can exchange those DTDs together with documents,and exchange those interpreters as programming objects,in order to understand each other in communication.These approaches allow us to provide a unified application carrier architecture,a unified agent communication mechanism,a unified way of data flow,control flow and even program flow,but flexible application switching capability,for supporting E- business.
人气:115 ℃ 时间:2020-03-20 20:04:30
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