Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them.Other believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment .discuss both views and how do you think about it?
Nowadays,people always find themselves in a dilemma when deciding whether intelligent children should b taught separately and given special treatment or not..in this I will explore two main arguments often heard in this controversy.
There are reasons for some people to believe that shools should teach children of different abilities together.In the first place,it seems teaching children together can creat a sense of “cooperation”.By that I mean when children studying together ,they can help each other,children who are intelligent can teach others who are normal .they can study together and play together.Further more,it also can benefit children from learning communication skills,which means children who taught separately may be more likely to do a good job in their exams,however,they do not know how to communicate with other peers,because they usuall study by themselves not by groups.It can be best illustrated with the example of Lili,one of my friends.She taught separately because of her intelligent.Admittedly,she always gets high scores in every exam,however,the only thing she does is just study,she is not good at communication and playing.Ultimately ,but not the least,children who taught separately may discriminate others.That means thay have a sense of “superiority”,they will not play with others and talk to others,it is harmful for them in the future.
On the other hand,it is also worth pointing out some arguments suggesting the opponents that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment.One of the main reasons may it can help them more likely to achieve success in the future.There is amply evidence suggesting that people who are good students may easier to achieve success than who are not.However,achieving success is not only require studying well but also lots of social skills,including communication skills and cooperation,etc.
To conclude ,regarding this issue ,my own view is school should teach children together.Also,I would argue that it seems highly advisable for teacher and schools to teach intelligent children after or during part time.
人气:435 ℃ 时间:2020-06-03 04:37:12
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