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a ture story英语作文
字50左右 写的有真实感
人气:170 ℃ 时间:2020-03-25 15:57:21
额- -没有什么题材方向么?那我想着写了.
Tom is a friendly boy who always helps others,
One morning.Tom was woken up by some noise,Tom got up to see what happened.To his surprise,his neighbor's house was on fire.He called the fireman at once,and then he went out to help his neighbor to put out the fire.After a while,the fireman arrived.After a very hard time they finally put out the fire successfully.Tom's neighbor said thanks over and over again.
From this ture story,we should learn from Tom and give a hand to others.If we do so ,our world will be more and more peaceful.
初三现写现打← ←真实独创,初中水平← ←还有英语作文都要真实?看着办吧 实在不行先去放把火这也太夸张了比如说就是小事情什么小偷进来了偷了钱被抓住了之类的能在帮我想想吗初一这也太夸张了比如说就是小事情什么小偷进来了偷了钱被抓住了之类的能在帮我想想吗初一。。。这个我在写语文作文 只是顺巧写了几句。能不能等我写完语文 三点左右给你再想一篇
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