For the purpose of financial reporting of the Group for the period from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012,we would like to have an update in respect of any Actual,Pending or Threatened Litigation,Claims and/or Assessment (“Claim”) during the said period in relation to Sa Sa Cosmetic (China) Co.Ltd and Elegance Trading (Shanghai) Company Limited and their operations in PRC.
We herewith enclose the last updated litigation table.Should there be any Claim during the relevant period,please kindly fill in the table and provide the supporting documents.
Much appreciate if you could revert by 18 April 2012.
Not sure if I might have missed anything in my Inbox.
We would appreciate your reply to the email below.
人气:373 ℃ 时间:2020-06-05 13:11:14
为了完成集团的财务报告,我们希望能得到在2011年4月1日到2012年3月31日期间的一些最新最全的信息.我们想知道在上述期间,和Sa Sa化妆品有限公司及Elegance贸易有限公司相关的所有真实的、尚未解决或有威胁的诉讼、投...