回答时请顺便说明一下 .
1.we read anything ____ we could find on the education of minority groups.
A that B which C about which D in which
2.____ was discussed before,copper is seldom used in its pure form except in the electrical industry.
A that B which C what D as
(本句话的答案是D D选项中的AS是表示什么意思?)
3.it was ____ every one went to the beach.
A such hot a weather so
B such hot weather that
C a hot enough weather so that
D so hot weather that
(为什么是选B而不是D 形容词不是应该用SO修饰么?)
人气:417 ℃ 时间:2019-08-19 11:58:22
we could find作定语修饰anything,定从中缺少宾语,that可以作宾语,所以是that.另:先行词是anything的时候,引导词不宜用which,in which就更讲不通了,因为只缺少宾语.正如以前所讨论的那样.as,像……那样,如……如果...
- 1.the traffic in Shanghai is heavier than ____ in Hangzhou
- 1----After much effort ,I eventually persuaded him to take my advice
- Shaolin Temple _____ lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors both at home and abroad.
- 请详细说明原因,我英语差,
- 问三道英语选择题,并解释为什么
- 将两枚质地均匀的骰子同时抛掷一次,则骰子向上的点数之差的绝对值大于1 的概率是多少?
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- 甲车从A地出发以60km/h的速度沿公路匀速行驶,0.5小时后,乙车也从A地出发,以80km/h的速度沿该公路与甲车同向匀速行驶,求乙车出发后几小时追上甲车.请建立一次函数关系解决上述问题.
- 要用方程做,
- 将m^2n^2-2m^2n+m^2分解因式
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- 有一桶纯净水,第一次取出40%,第二次比第一次少取出10千克,桶里还剩30千克纯净水.这桶纯净水原来有多少千克?
- 在一个比例尺中,两个内项都是质数,它们的积是35,一个外项是这个积得30%,这个比例可以写成()
- 从下列的数中选出5个数,使它们的和等于60,11、33、13、7、5、17、19、15、23、31、1、3、9、21
- 24.5-1.25×8的简便运算
- -2(cosπ/3+isinπ/3)的三角式是