英语课口语考试 谁帮我编几段双对话
每人七八句左右就可以了 根据信息编对话
1.A wants to have a party and asks B to suggest some guests .B names john,who has just lost his job and is feeling low.B then mentions julia ,who has just moved to the city.(B can add more ).A admits to being forgetful and thanks B.
2.A wants to attend a lecture given by a visiting professor but cannot remember the time .A asks B for help.B doesn't remember,either,so B suggests looking at the notebooks and calling the dean or secretary of the department for information.
3.A worries about his term paper and a test and mentions ways of cheating(such as askong B to write a term paper for him,downloading articles from the Internet,parparing a cheat-sheet).B promises to help but warns against any forms of cheating,and finally A promises to study hard .今天帮我完成吧 ,今天完成了我会继续加分.
( 这段对我同学说的 如果凤姐的学生看到这个请注意一下 尽量改改,不要和我重复——VIP留言)
人气:409 ℃ 时间:2020-05-11 03:08:21
哈哈 我也不会编
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