人气:236 ℃ 时间:2019-08-18 04:41:16
Can I make a cake myself?
Where is it made in?
Let's read the book.
He read the book last night.
I ride a bike to the countryside.
He says he is right.
I don't understand what he said.
Can you see the picture?
I saw her joining the game just now.
Our basketball team win the first place.
They won last afternoon.
The children would eat themselves sick on chocolate.
The bread was eaten up.
I get up early in the morning.
He got to school late yesterday.
Where do you go?
I went to the library last night.
- ride的过去式和过去式造句
- read,drew,do,sit,go,give,eat,sleep,run,drink,see,ride的过去式和过
- 用read造句,read的过去式和过去分词造句
- let,lie,light,lose,make,mean,meet,pay,put,read,ride,rise,run,say,see,sell,send,过去式过去分词
- babysit的过去式和过去式造句
- It is late in the afternoon,A man goes into a__ and shows a coat o the shop assistant
- Trees ___gently in the breeze.
- 当a等于什么整数时,关于xy的方程组x-y-a=0
- 已知E,FG,H分别为空间四边形ABCD的边AB,BC,CD,DA的中点,若EG⊥ FH,求证AC=BD
- 9上语文第4课蝈蝈和蛐蛐中当所有的鸟儿因骄阳而昏晕一句在文中起什么作用
- 1、超市两次降低电磁炉的售价,第一次比原价降低了20%,
- The reason why English has changed over time is ______ all languages change and develop
- 表示与什么相关 英语怎么说
- 英语作文 未来的房子
- 一个两位数的两个数字之和为6,将十位数与个位数对调以后再加上18,仍得原数,求这两位数.
- 函数y=2/1x中自变量x的取值范围是