> 英语 >
有关的another other the orther the others:the one the ones that one的经典例句
不需要词语使用的具体解释 只要一些有意思的经典例句(可以是电影对白,当今时事等)英语高手当然可以自己造句啦~就是一定要严格不能有语法错误.我要讲给其他学生听.
人气:321 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 10:32:13
1. Thisshirt is too short , Would you please show me another one?
2,Mr,Wang and Mr Li and three other teacher were there
3.I have two sisters, one is a teacher , the other is a doctor
4. We have 50 student in our class, 20 are girls , the others are boys
5.The bridge made of stone is stronger than the one made of wood
6.The trees here are taller than the ones there
7.The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Qunming
8.A bridge made of stone is stronger than one made of wood
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