> 英语 >
I have never begun a novel with more misgiving.If I call it a novel it is only because I don’t know what else to call it.I have little story to tell and I end neither with a death nor a marriage.Death ends all things and so is the comprehensive conclusion of a story,but marriage finishes it very properly too and the sophisticated are ill-advised to sneer at what is by convention termed a happy ending.It is a sound instinct of the common people which persuades them that with this all that needs to be said is said.When male and female,after whatever vicissitudes you like,are at last brought together they have fulfilled their biological function and interest passes to the generation that is to come.But I leave my reader in the air.This book consists of my recollection of a man with whom I was thrown into close contact only at long intervals,and I have little knowledge of what happened to him in between.I supposed that by the exercise of invention I could fill the gaps plausibly enough and so make my narrative more coherent; but I have no wish to do that.I only want to set down what I know of my own knowledge.(W.Somerset Maugham )
人气:111 ℃ 时间:2020-06-20 22:14:13
我从未有怀着如此多的疑虑开始写一部小说,如果我把它称作小说的话,那只因为我不知道还有别的什么可以用来称呼它.我几乎没什么故事可以讲,而且小说的结局既不是(悲戚的)死亡也不是(美满的)婚姻.死亡令所有事情完结,因此会成为某个故事通用的结局,不过以婚姻作为收尾(对很多故事来说)也是挺恰如其分,尽管许多写作老手会轻率地嘲讽那些落入俗套的幸福结局.对平常人而言,他们总有一种顽固的直觉劝导自己去说那些需要说的东西.无论世事如何变迁,当一男一女最终走到一起后,他们会尽他们的生物功能(传宗接代),而看点也就转移到他们即将到来的下一代身上.不过我会把我的读者弄得摸不找边际,这本书只是收录了关于一个男人的故事,我只是跟这个男人在一长段时间内有非常近距离的接触,而此间,我对这个男人身上曾经发生的事情几乎一无所知.我假设,通过对虚构题材的实践,我可以填补(虚构与实际)两者间差距,使得故事更能乱真,而也能使我的叙述更为连贯.但这不是我想做的,我想做的只是,把我自己知道的东西记录下来.(W.Somerset Maugham)
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