Nowadays it is more and more common to "using"
前面用了to,后面应该用原形use.其次,more and more 和common 用在一起,就重复了.
duing to the development of science.
这个想说什么意思?"during to"建议查英英词典,了解during 的用法.如果想说"通过科学进步"不能用during,不是地道用法.
But it is in the light of an expectation someone think that it is cruel and opposed,
不清楚为什么要用but开头,似乎和前面没有转折关系."it is in the light of"太长了,影响中心表达. "opposed"观点本身不会自己反对自己,所以这个词在这里也不恰当;如果想说有人觉得它很残忍,所以反对,建议用因果介词"therefore"
others think it is the needs of society and supported, There is no denying that the two views both have the proper sides.
possessing the belief and kindness
why they are to feel
用why they feel就可以了
animals experiment
animal experiments,复数用的地方不对
and have a desire to protect one’s life, such as bonze, follower of a religion and those who will be sad for a long time because of killing a small ant.
看了3次,还以为后面such as 指代是one's life. such as离指代对象太远了,容易造成混淆.
建议是,对于考试作文,如果你对句型或者单词运用没有十足把握,不要用长句.如果你的长句 平卷的看不懂,他们是不会用耐心把一个句子看3遍然后去揣摩你的意思的.后面的改天再看吧