英语作文 介绍我的公寓
我的公寓在一个小区,小区只有六栋楼,但是小区中心有一个花园,花园内有水池,草地,花园左边还有一个健身房,我的公寓位于二号楼四层,一个客厅一个餐厅一个厨房一个卫生间还有一个阳台 根据这些写一篇关于我的公寓的英语短文 120个单词
人气:194 ℃ 时间:2019-11-20 11:36:22
Our community is very beautiful though it's very small.Well,there are 6 buildings in our community.There are many rooms in the buildings,such as kitchens,washrooms,baconlies and so on.There's a wonderful garden in the middle of this community.In the garden,there's a large pool on the grass.There's also a training room on the left.Therefore,many people often take exercise in the garden.In a word,I think this is a meaningful community.
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