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Paul loves his wife and children very much,and they love him,too.However,it isn't easy to live with Paul.He gets angry easily,and he doesn't smile much.He's very serious.He doesn't have many friends.
Paul's wife,Linda,is very different.She's always smiling and kidding.She likes to tell jokes and make people laugh.She's never quiet for long and hardly gets angry.She has a lot of friends.
Paul and Linda often fight about their children.Linda thinks Paul is too strict with them.He shouts at them a lot.He forgets that they're only children.
Paul thinks Linda is too easy with the children,and she always lets them do whatever they want to do,but that's not right.Linda,however,corrects the children when it's necessary,and they listen to her.She doesn't shout at them,but they obey her.She's very kind and patient.
人气:195 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 12:28:15
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