> 英语 >
What would be more meaningful to you in talking a part-time job, the money or experience you gain form it ? Why ?用英语回答,不少于十句话,求高手,灰常感谢
人气:250 ℃ 时间:2019-10-23 14:54:26
As far as my concerned,the experience that I gain from the part-time job is much more meaningful than money.If I want to get more money,I can go and get a full-time job and earn more.Doing a part-time job allows me to broad my horizon.I can and have to understand the world out of my school.A part-time job also gives me a chance to meet and communicate to other peoples during everyday work.I can make friends with my workmates and customers in order to develop my interpersonal skills.Now I am growing up,and I have realized that I need to live independently.I can gain many useful living skills through working,contributing to my life in the future.The skills and knowledge that I learn from working are worth than anything,including money.In summary,the experience I gain from the part-time job is more meaningful.
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