Our house is in the country.It's not in( ).
Our house is in the country.It's not in( ).
(a)Nigeria (b)the city (c)England (d)France
人气:328 ℃ 时间:2020-01-27 22:26:32
根据句子意思:我们的房子在农村.不是在城市.因此选B Work on it had begun before my sister left.My sister left()it had begun.(a)after(b)without (c)behind (d)soon不知道这道题你会不会A 刚好反过来嘛···before的反义词是after·
- It is the ( ) (lead) class in our country.
- The Spring Festival is a popular holiday in our country. It is in January or February.
- our country is a big g__and the flowers in it are colourful
- In our country,it is()in July,but it is a little()in August.hot hotter hottest
- our history teacher's house is in the c----,not in the t---
- 《木兰诗》选自宋朝郭茂倩编的《乐府诗集》,在这部诗集里还有很多名篇,如()()等
- 如图,△ABC中,AB=AC,EF交BC于点D,交AC的延长线F,交AB于E且BE=CF.求证:DE=DF.
- 已知三角形ABC的三边是A.B.C,周长为11,则A-C+B的绝对值减A+B+C的绝对值减-B-A=C的绝对值=?
- 8分之( )=( )分之3 = 4分之1=( )÷24=( ) (小数)
- 把一个数的小数点向右移动一位后比原数大16.2,原数是_.
- A地到B地的公路长384千米,两辆汽车从两地相对开出,甲车每小时行38千米,乙车每小时行42千米.甲车先开出
- 已知3x^(a+5b-5)-2y^(3a-6b-3)=5是关于x、y的二元一次方程,求a+2b的值.
- [(2n+3n)/( 2n+1+3n+1)]的极限,n趋于无穷
- 三角形的高是25底是12,平行四边形高是25底是16,三角形与平行四边形的面积比是多
- 计算76000除以100有100个0乘以200有98个0
- 号称千年不死的胡杨林啊,在忍受了20余年的干渴后终于变成了干枯的“木乃伊”.那奇形怪状的枯枝,那死后不愿倒下的身躯,似在表明胡杨在生命最后时刻的挣扎与痛苦,又像是向谁伸出求救之手!简化句子,改为直白介绍