northern china
over 6000 kilometers
7.5 meters (25feet)(average)
earth brick and stone
7th century BC
keep out invadres
visited by people from all over the world
人气:251 ℃ 时间:2019-08-15 07:30:25
也不知道你需要多长的,不知道我这个符不符合你的要求,呵呵Speaking of a resort that is well-known in China, the one that comes to my mind first is the Great Wall, which is situated in northern china. The ...谢谢,可是可不可以用初一的水平来写Speaking of a resort that is well-known in China, I'd like to talk about the Great Wall. It is locatedin northern china. The Great Wall looks like a dragon very much when looking from the sky, and it is over 6000 kilometres long. The average width is around 7.5 metres.The Great Wall is created by our acient Chinese people in about 7th century BC.It is piled by large numbers of earth bricks and stones. The use of the Great Wall was to protect our territory and to keep out invaders at that time. But now it has already becomes one of the most interesting places in China. Every day, it is visited bymillions of people from all over the world. It is a miracle.你看一下这个行不行thankyou、!
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