take into account/take into consideration 顾及
take fully into account 充分考虑到
take into consideration 考虑
take into account 重视; 考虑在内; 考虑到; &n.
take into care (把没人管教的孩子)送进教养院
take into consideration 考虑到
take into her head 决定
take into one's confidence 信任
take into one's head 突然想到要; 决定
take into partnership 请...为合伙人
take into partnership with 请...为合伙人; 请...为合伙人
take into serious consideration 仔细考虑
take sb into confidence 信任某人
take sb into custody 将某人拘捕
take sb.into custody 拘留某人
take sth into consideration 把某物考虑进去
take sth into account 考虑某事
refuse to take into consideration 拒绝予以考虑
take a headlong dive into 潜入
take sb.into one's service 雇用某人
take sth into more consideration 特别考虑某事
take the aircraft into flight 使飞机升空
(arrest and) take into custody 拘押
take one's destiny into one's own hands 掌握自己的命运
take sth/sb into one's head 相信某事(或某人)
take the law into one's own hands 擅自处理
take the whole situation into account 统筹全局
to take effect/to go into effect 生效
(saying) take the big picture into consideration 顾全大局
to put in place/put into practice/take effect 施行
look after/take into consideration/to attend to 照顾