> 英语 >
( )1.It was raining heavily we got to Paris.A.while B.if C.when D.because ( )2.I don’t k
( )1.It was raining heavily we got to Paris.
A.while B.if C.when D.because
( )2.I don’t know if tomorrow.
A.it doesn’t rain B.the rain will stops C.the rains won’t stop D.it won’t rain
( )3 .The volleyball match will be put off if it A.will rain B.rains C.rained D.is raining
( )4.Difficulties are nothing if we not afraid of them
A.will B.shall C.are D.do
( )5.We Beijing tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.
A.are going to B.would C.shall D.will go
( )6.I don’t like to be interrupted if I .
A.speak B.will speak C.am speaking D.spoke
( )7.If you the book you will understand the story better.
A.will be reading B.have read C.will have read D.read
( )8.If you I will go with you
A.go to B.went C.will D.should go
( )9.I’ll go to meet you,if I free then.
A.would be B.will be C.am D.was
( )10.If you to the music,buy a CD.
A.will listen B.listen C.listening D.listened
( )11.He suggested a pinic tomorrow.
A.to have B.having C.have D.to having
( )12.Be careful,if you want to make mistakes.
A.won’t B.don’t C.didn’t D.not
( )13.Work hard if you to get a good mark.
A.wanted B.wanting C.want D.will want
( )14.I want to know if you to the party tomorrow.
I will if I free.
A.will come; am B.come; am
C.will come; will be D.come; will be
( )15.The cat him the hand.
A.bit; in B.bited; on C.bit; on D.bited; on
( )16.There is going to a sports meeting next week.If it ,we’ll have to cancel it..
A.be; will rain B.have; will rain
C.be; rains D.give; is going to rain
( )17.If he ,I go swimming alone.
A.doesn’t come will go B.won’t come; will go
C.will come; won’t go D.is coming; don’t go
( )18.If you a chance to study in a foreign country,just take it.
A.getting B.had got C.will get D.get
( )19.Frank a film if he’s free next Saturday.
A.see B.saw C.has seen D.will see
人气:475 ℃ 时间:2019-08-21 12:00:33
好孩子,自己做.挑出不会的给你讲解.要答案校对嗯。我先做做。注意 if的意思:if可作如果讲,引导条件状语从句,一般主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。if也可作是否讲,则从句的时态根据具体而定。CDBCA CDDCB BBCAC CADD 不懂的问我。第8题should 作为情态动词,可以用在条件状语从句中,表示语气较强的假设,译作“万一”、“竟然”,这时也可将 should 置于从句之首,即将 should 放在主语前面,而省略从属连词 if 。而其他几个选项也显然是不对的。注意积累一些情态动词的特殊用法。
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