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英语题求解释 是选A C A不?
1If you do not know the time,please in the timetable.A look for it Blook it over C look at it D look it up
2The doctor asked me to working in a noisy place A open up B put up C give up Dmake up
3When my mother came in,all of us pretended A to sleep B sleeping C slept D to be sleepi
人气:305 ℃ 时间:2020-06-06 06:50:28
答案 ACB解释。DCD。 to be sleepingpretend 不是+to do不定式么?pretend的主要用法(也就是考点)如下:1)pretend to do sth该结构有如下三种形式:pretend to do sth(一般式);prentend to be doing sth(进行式);prentnd to have done sth(完成式)如:I pretend to be sleeping when my parents came in.He pretended to be friendly with me. He pretended to have been abroad.2) pretend + that从句如:He pretended that he was innocent. 3)adj.假装/假想的如:Don't be afraid of a pretend problem.
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