谁能帮我做一下Dear Editor,I'd like to tell you anything about the trouble ...开头是这样的短文改错
Dear Editor,
I'd like to tell you anything about the trouble I
was facing in buying furnitures .The other day,I ordered
a set of furniture at an furniture exhibition.Lasr week
the sent me the furniture.So I found the
colors and the sizes some pieces were not what I had been
ordered.What's worse,one leg of the desk is broken.
I asked them to take back the furniture and gave
back money,but they refused.I wrote to the
director of the factory but there was no answer.
I hope where you will publish my letter on the newspaper
and help me solve the problem.
人气:346 ℃ 时间:2019-09-30 07:20:10
Dear Editor,
I'd like to tell youabout the trouble I
was facing in buying