China, as a developing country, is determined to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones. I think that one of the best possible ways to do so is to give first priority to the development of culture, science and especially education.
In modern times, when science and technology are making great progress, the education of the work force is of primary importance. Moreover, many of the success in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nation 's prosperity mainly depends on the quality of its labour force, namely those who have been well educated.
In a developing country such as China, our investment in culture, education and science, and especially elementary education, must enjoy top priority. This is crucial for China to catch up with the developed nations in today's surging waves of technological revolution. Otherwise, the gap between China and advanced countries will be widened rather than bridged.帮翻译下呗,谢谢,如果采纳追加分数大学要求学生具备独立学习能力,帮助学生发展以达到自己学习计划的能力。在选择要就读闭大学之前,学生必须详细了解学校的科系及资料。有关资料可向学校的资询辅导处索取。大学科系类别略分为:文学、艺术、人文科学类法律、经济、贸易及管理科学类科学与技术类体育医学、药学、牙医类学生进入大学就要面临选系、选学分与选课程的问题。