> 英语 >
Two trees in the bosom of garden
... wait for each other with passion.
You were a tree , I was a tree.
In tears and cries, we've gone out, my love.
It was, however, necessary to bloom
...when the spring's come !
Flowers and fruits, having dropped leaves,
...were necessary to get spread out !
I opened my soul to the winds,
...in the language of flower and leaves.
Every whisper, you brought on palms, is in my heart !
Your every whisper is in my heart.
I am left tied to the land,
. my root is under the ground.
Looking at your silhouette, I rustle at night.
It was,however, necessary to live !
... it was necessary to bloom !
Flowers and fruits, having dropped leaves,
...were necessary to get spread out !...
...were necessary to get spread out !...
Two trees in the bosom of garden
... wait for each other with passion.
You were a tree , I was a tree.
In sadness and gloom, we've gone out, my love.
Two trees in the bosom of garden
... wait for each other with passion.
You were a tree , I was a tree.
In tears and cries, we've gone out, my love.
Two trees in the bosom of garden.
人气:482 ℃ 时间:2020-05-28 07:26:07
在眼泪和哭声中,我们已经走了出来,我的爱.(X2) ,然而,要绽放...当春天的到来!鲜花和水果,在丢弃的叶子,...需要得到传播!我打开了我的灵魂的风,...花和叶的语言.每天耳语,你手掌上带来的,是在我的心里!在我的心里你的每一个耳语(X2) ,只剩下我束缚在土地上,.我的根是在地面下,我望着你的轮廓沙沙晚上,但是,这需要住!.有必要绽放!鲜花和水果,下降叶,...需要得到传播!...得到传播是必要的!.两棵树在怀里的花园中...等待对方的激情.你是一棵树,我是一棵树.在悲伤和忧愁,我们已经走了,我的爱.两棵树在怀里的花园中...等待对方的激情.你是一棵树,我是一棵树.在眼泪和哭声中,我们已经走了,我的爱.两棵树的怀里的花园.
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