第一题就说你的boyfriend girlfriend呗~如果没有就瞎编,介绍一下他/她的personality,how did you fall in love,说你们在一起多么多么开心,他总是很体贴.然后具体举个例子.
第二题的问题好像没说完吧?是让你“discuss both opinoins and give your ideas”嘛?这个好说呀 some people prefer to live in the same place so that they can achieve some security and stability.It's much more convenient to go shopping and go to hospital or simply work out regularly if you know your surroundings well.For example.围绕这个说
other people pursue some novelty and excitment by moving to various places through their lives.然后说经常move有什么好处,比如borden their horrizon,make new friends,gain some valuble experiences,make cultrual exchange ,pick up a new language or dialect.推荐 It enables me/them to ...这个句型.这些都能enrich their life and have a significant impact.然后说一些让步的句子,表示你很辨证:Admittedly,dangers and inconvenience do exist,接下来表明观点:but the benefits of moving far outweigh the drawbacks.(The challenges and inconvenience are small price to pay for what you can obtain.)
主要就是让你去identify and compare这两类行为的differences.说区别的时候推荐用比较级来说.一种是安全稳定便利枯燥 security ,stability,conveneice.另一个是 more challenging,dangerous,inconveniet,but you can learn a lot and gain ability,so it truely enrich your life