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人气:339 ℃ 时间:2020-01-28 23:16:09
[digest] Domestic violence means the violence one party to another between family members in a family,including physical injury,mental damage and sexual violence.Domestic violence is an infringement towards personal right that breaks the law.Because domestic violence usually takes place in a family,the victims are often unable or unwilling to make it public.Further more,the society pays little attention to the domestic violence and the jurisdiction apartments seldom involves in it,all these make domestic violence are more convert,complicated and last for a long time.The reasons of domestic violence exists and becoming more and more are complicated.The traditional and feudal ideology,economic and social system and the victims themselves are all the reasons.Regarding to all of this,the writer emphasises on these problems and expect to lead more attention to focus on the domestic violence in Chinese families.
[key words] domestic violence,reason,solutions
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