After scoring ten goals in the first half of the competition,the soccer players thought that they had ensured victory.想问一下这里用had ensured的意思是什么?还有如果had ensured victory 那部分改成a victory they would ensure为什么不对呢?
After he won the relay relatively easily,he decided to continue his training program and even to enter more races.
这里的won为什么错了呢?难道要改成had 但是after不是已经表明了时间先后顺序么?
Her parents' marriage gift cannot be compared with any present that was given to her at the time.这里的any present错了么?应该改成什么啊?
人气:245 ℃ 时间:2020-06-02 22:08:11
1.ensured改为 asured 2. 其实用一般过去时也不能说错.但要是死扣语法,就得用had won, 毕竟过去完成时强调过去时间或行为的完成.3. 应该说any other present.marriage gift 是她收到的礼物之一,应该与她所收到的...
- 请高手帮我看下这些句子的语法,
- 还是语法问题 请看下面几个句子
- 帮我看下这些句子语法正确吗?
- 两个语法题,请看下面的句子
- My mom taught me how to play when I was seven years old.
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- 已知曲线C:X2+Y2-2X-2Y+1=0相切的直线L交X,Y轴的正半轴AB两点,O为原点,若|OA|=a,|OB|=b(a>2,b>2) (1)求
- 已知水流的速度是5千米/时,轮船顺水航行需5小时,逆水航行需7小时,则A,B两码头之间的航程是多少千米2379
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- It's fun to have a picnic,but they must get everything r______.
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- His name is Tony Brown.We can call him .
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- 根据数字猜成语:A.1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10
- 皇历上说的今天是黄道吉日,为什么后面却是忌:诸事不宜.