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Three easy steps to improve your English
Improving your English is not always easy.In fact,there is not really an easy three step program.
A student once asked his teacher,"Teacher,how can I improve my spoken English?"
The teacher responded,"There are three steps." The student quickly grabbed a pen to jot the three steps down so that he would not forget.
The teacher said,"Step number one,Practice."
The student wrote it down and said to himself,"Step one,Practice."
The teacher said,"Step two,Practice."
The student knew where this was going.
"Step three..."
The student stopped him before he could finish and said,"Let me guess,Practice."
There really is no easy way to improve your English.It takes work.We have a saying in America that rhymes,"No pain,no gain." It means that good things only come through some struggle.I wish it was easier,but I'm sorry it is not.
I will tell you a few things I think will help.
1)I think Crazy English has some good material with some tapes or CDs you can listen too.You can find it at the book store outside the south gate.
2)Go to RenMin DaXue on Friday night,meet some friends,and practice your English.Who knows you may meet a boyfriend or girlfriend there.
3)Listen to the radio,91.5 FM.Listen at 7:45-8:00 A.M.,11:00-12:00 A.M.,or 5:00-7:00 P.M.
Have a good week.I am pretty busy this week,so I don't how often I will check my email this week.There are some foreigners visiting.However,I hope to make it to your class for us to practice our spoken English.Remember Rule Number 4,English only.
Your teacher
人气:312 ℃ 时间:2020-04-17 07:40:18
三容易的步改进您的英语 改进您的英语总不容易.实际上,没有真正地一个容易的三步节目.学生曾经要求他的老师,"Teacher,怎么能我改进我的讲话的English?" 老师反应了,"There 是三steps." 学生迅速劫掠笔摘记三步下来以...
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