Working conditions – Working Hours and Compensation
Do the working hours per work week meets the legal maximum of 48hours or local standard?
If local standard,please indicate :____per week.
Is overtime restricted to 12hours per week maximum or the local standards?
If using local standard,please indicate :____per week.
Please specify the maximum hours worked per day ____hours .Is this within legal maximum and written policy for work hours?
Is overtime for employee offered on voluntary basis only?
If no,how is it been executed.
Is overtime wage paid at a premium?
If yes ,please state the rate over standard wage
人气:368 ℃ 时间:2020-05-13 07:02:28
Working conditions – Working Hours and Compensation Do the working hours per work week meets the legal maximum of 48hours or local standard?工作条件-工作时间和补偿美洲的工作时间是否符合法定的最高48小...
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