请求帮忙翻译一下这段英文 谢谢! You have been asked to take an intensive language course prior to commencing your studies at SIBT. Please be aware, that the number of weeks of English language study that you have been offered is only an estimation of what is required to meet SIBT’s entry requirement. During your English course, you will complete assignments and tests that will give more accurate information about your level of English. At the end of the English course you will be given a grade. This grade will be used to decide what study you will take next at SIBT, or whether you still need to study more English. At the end of your first 10 weeks of English study, you will be offered ONE of the following study programs based on recommendations from your ELICOS teacher. 〓 Progress to the English Preparation Program (EPP) course at CME Or 〓 Repeat Study Skills English Preparation Program (SSEPP B) at CME with the condition of completing the Provisional Entry Program (PEP) on entry to SIBT At the end of your English (ELICOS) course, you will be offered ONE of the following study programs based on recommendations from your ELICOS teacher.
〓 Full entry to SIBT with no further ELICOS study required Or 〓 Entry to the SIBT Provisional Entry Program (PEP), where you will study 4 mornings or afternoons of English combined with two SIBT Diploma units. Or 〓 Complete further English tuition at CME which will include academic English plus SSEPP B Programs determined through ongoing program assessments. Or 〓 Entry to the SIBT Mixed Option (MEO), where you will study 5 mornings or afternoons of English, (additional tuition fee required for the English language course); combined with two SIBT Certificate units (For Certificate IV in University Foundation Studies students only).
You are not required to sit another IELTS or TOEFL test 在线等.