Who laughs best who laughs last和give him an inch and he will take a
人气:317 ℃ 时间:2020-05-11 14:08:05
He laughs best who laughs last (笑到最后的才是笑得最好的.)
give him an inch and he will take a mile 得寸进尺
- I didn't want to do my homework when my parents_____TV A were dong B watched
- There weren't any in sight.They _____.(事情是这养的:几个孩子闯了祸都跑光了,我的视线里没有人了)
- 用be made of be made from be made by be made in 造句子
- 一台压路机的滚筒宽1.5米,直径1米.如果它每分钟滚动10周,那么滚动1分钟,压过的面积是多少平方米
- 一正多边形外角为90度则它的边心距与半径之比为
- 甲、乙两地相距300千米,甲乙两车同时从甲乙两地相对开出,甲车每小时行58千米,2.5小时后两车还相距
- 某中学七年级甲、乙两班共有学生93人,其中参加数学课外兴趣小组的共有27人,已知甲有1/4的学生,
- Mr White gets up early and runs everyday ,which he thinks is ---------to his health.