How,How much,How mang,How far How long,How soon,How old.造句
"so""be cause"转化同义句 "but""and"各造两句子
人气:149 ℃ 时间:2019-11-10 13:13:35
how:How to get there?
how old:How old is the girl in the red dress over there?
how much:How much is that pen?
how many:How many boys in your class this term?
how often:How ofthe does he visit his grandfather in that contry?
how long:How long can I borrow this bike?
how tall:How tall is the blue building beside the center park?
how far:How far is the post office from your house?
(造句真不容易~呼呼,"so""be cause"转化同义句"but""and"各造两句子
- how long \how far\how soon \how much的区别
- How much和How many怎么造句?(各2句)
- how often,how many,how much,how long,how soon的区别
- 用how many造句并回答
- 用how many与how much造句各造三句
- 一个数的2.5倍与2.5的和是25,求这个数
- the earthquake made her h------ .Luckily,a kind woman provided a house for her.
- 五(一)班野炊时,每2人共用一碗饭,3人合用一碗汤,5人合用一个菜碗,五(一)有多少人参加野炊?