1.He has a lot of ________(fun)stories to tell us.
2.有一点害怕__________ 3.生病在家___________
4.My father moved to Paris in 1991.(对to Paris提问)
5.My uncle worked in the USA for ten years.(对for ten years提问)
6.Tom bought his car in 1998.(对in 1998提问)
7.I came to China because my parents wanted to work here.(对because my parents wanted to work here提问)
人气:296 ℃ 时间:2020-02-15 08:52:14
1funny2a litte afraid 3be at home with illness 4where did your father move in 1991?5how long did your uncle work in the USA?6when did Tom buy his car 7why did you come to China?
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