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they take their children from activity to activity ,中的语法知识点
they take their children from activity to activity ,annd try to fit as much as possible into their kids' lives ,doctor say many children are under too much pressure中的语法知识点 ,尤其是这一句doctor say many children are under too much pressure和they take their children from activity to activity 写的全面的,重金答谢
人气:286 ℃ 时间:2020-03-06 08:15:54
they take...到lives是一个简单句,其中and连接take和try2个并列谓语.后面doctors say后面是省略了that,引导一个宾语从句----many children are...是语法,比如:try to do sth尽力做某事。。。。。。。。这不是语法,你说的是固定搭配吧?词的用法呢。。。搞不懂你doctor say many children are under too much pressure和they take their children from activity to activity 中有没有固定搭配啊有,under pressure在。。。压力下, from...to... 一个接一个(从。。。到。。。)
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