原中美合资天津奥的斯电梯公司的一位美方代表所言 ,“中国伙伴在谈判桌上表现出与我们不同的文化价值观念 ,中国人对合同或协议的看法 ,对合作伙伴选择的标准 ,对知识和软件的看法等等 ,都与我们不同 ,谈判有时会因此陷入困境
A U.S.representative of the original sino-us tianjin Otis elevator company said,"The performence of China's partners at the negotiating table shows that we are different in cultural values.Besides,the ideas of the Chinese as to contracts or agreements and knowledge and softwares,as well as the standards of their partner selection etc.,are also different from ours.So the negotiations will sometimes get into hot water.