> 英语 >
In 1820 under a new land law,a farm could be bought for $100.The continued proliferation of banks made it easier for those without cash to negotiate loans in paper money.Western Farmers borrowed with the confident expectation that the expanding economy would keep farm prices high,thus making it easy to repay loans when they fell due.
What is the significance of the land law passed in 1820?
我选了 It required banks to offer loans to farmers.
但是答案是It provided farmland at a affordable price.
我觉的答案不对,都需要农民贷款怎么能算是affordable price
人气:265 ℃ 时间:2020-04-05 22:25:01
法律规定,仅需100美元就能买农场,即限制了农场的价格,但是并没有要求银行必须贷款给农民.我怎么知道100美元是不是affordable,文章毫无线索,我就往下看,看到贷款,我就觉得是钱太多,还需要贷款如果现在法律规定,在北京,一套房的价格限制在100万以内,那它就是affordable。首先,你选的答案是错的,毫无疑问。至于这个affordable是否100%准确,每人经济实力不一样。其实,我以上所述,都是废话,对于提升英语阅读水平无任何意义。下面是重点:英语阅读,考的是理解能力,不是钻字眼。这是将一个意思做了相近的转换。第一眼见到这个答案,有所怀疑是对的,所以要看看其他的答案。显然,其他的答案都有原则上的错误。或许这答案不够完美,但是,至少是最接近作者要表达的意思的。这就够了。你再看看单选题,都是说叫你选择最合适的,而不是最正确的,不是吗?再次,a farm could be bought for $100,以常规的思路考虑,作者就有“这东西真便宜”的意思。你认为呢?我大概懂了,谢谢
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