I'll be here for _____days A.other three B.another three 为什么选B不选A呢?
人气:219 ℃ 时间:2020-01-28 02:23:25
- Are you leaving?No,I'll be here for( )days.A,more three;B,other three;C,another three.D,more some,
- I am staying here for another three days.不对怎么改
- Two days is not enough ,we need days A.other three B.more three C.three more D.three another
- We won't leave tomorrow .We'll stay here for ___.A:other days B:other some days C:another days
- other day 有这用法吗?the other day 与another day 区别,three others day 与 the other day 的区别?
- It is late in the afternoon,A man goes into a__ and shows a coat o the shop assistant
- Trees ___gently in the breeze.
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- 1、超市两次降低电磁炉的售价,第一次比原价降低了20%,
- The reason why English has changed over time is ______ all languages change and develop
- 表示与什么相关 英语怎么说
- 英语作文 未来的房子
- 一个两位数的两个数字之和为6,将十位数与个位数对调以后再加上18,仍得原数,求这两位数.
- 函数y=2/1x中自变量x的取值范围是