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The final exam is coming soon,you review?
I have two courses didn't review,yesterday evening,I stole a lazy,surf the Internet to see a make me shocked news.
What's the story?Quick to say
Guangdong development bank of a branch President was sentenced to death sentence with a reprieve corruption more than 3000 yuan...
My goodness,it will happen!
Yes,in order to money can disregard everything,even do illegal crime thing.I've heard that there are various for the money and go to bad things,such as college students robbery,even if they have a good education level,still can't help them to resist the lure of money,is really a with bitter hatred!In my opinion,money is the root of evil!
I don't think so,I think that money is the root of happiness,with money you can buy what you want,and live a happy life,just think,if you don't have to worry every day after money,eat,drink,do you like things,enjoy life,the happiness!
Oh,no,some people just because want him ability is outside the scope of things,just on the way of illegal crime.
But some celebrities,such as Jackie chan,jet li,Bill Gates and so on,they have enough money and then also to help people in the poor areas.If I had money,I also will often give money to charity,to help those who need help.
Do you remember SanLu milk powder events - it is not the business interests driven by money and do the terrible things,the harm so many baby's health,this kind of behavior is really a spurn!
Well,you two,stop it money what is the root of happiness or the root of evil depends on a person's mentality,if a person use the money to help others,make the society more harmonious,so money is the root of happiness,if he for money and harm social interests,then there is no doubt that money is the root of evil!
Yes,you're right
人气:496 ℃ 时间:2020-06-26 05:50:15
错误的地方不少哦,多数是由于使用中国式英语,还有一些是时态问题,整个对话看起来非常不通顺.第一句就错了,you review?应该是 have you reviewed?,或者简化成you reviewed?第二段的stole a lazy 完全是中国式英语,语...是滴,这是机器翻译。。。所以需要修改呀。。。帮改下咯~~~那你应该发个中文版的,这个翻译结果实在很乱只能加那么多了。。。╮(╯▽╰)╭多谢了。。。
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