《2012,世界末日》哈~我们期末考核要写个电影读后感 就是2012的,要英文的~字数要求不多,150-200个词就行!因为 那天集体看的,我没看,寻求达人帮我写一下,
人气:303 ℃ 时间:2020-03-27 12:55:19
2012,this narrated that the human disaster's flat and thin piece,shocks my mind very much,is not only the flat and thin piece splendor,picture technical processing perfect,is because this flat and thin piece hid some information,lets us ponder.Has highlighted human nature nicely with the purest conscience,in this weekend,the people to are finally selfless one side,the humanity encounter the nature the retaliation,since is helpless,really if what discusses is 2012 is the world weekend,then our these common people also do not have the means to get on the square boat,in front of this disaster,we is also perhaps same as movie's character,is praying God together,together brave going to facing this death time.Each people have the survival right,therefore president decided that remained down,perhaps we should think how to destroy the nature,in one each one awkward time,we had that intense survival desire,therefore was living time,we should well treasure the life,treasures at present.The life should not become our one kind of burden,but is we enjoys the life!Perhaps you envy others to have the big house,has the race car,but all these to turned into the shadow finally in that time.Treasures your present's life,living well,lives not easily,but we must well live,lives splendidly!绝对自己原创
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