Ren Min Bi is the legal tender of People's Republic of China,short for CNY(China Yuan),another international used abbreviation is RMB,it's usueally added a “¥” ahead a figure to indicate a certain amount of money.When the Bank of Chinese People was formed on First of December,1948,it issued its first series of RMB;the second series on First of March,1955;the third series on fifteenth of april,1962;the fourth series on twenty-seventh of April,1987;the fifth series on First of october,1999.Fromed a RMB multiple framework whick includ metal money bill,ordinary suvinor money bill and precious metal suvinor money bill.Right now the first ,second and the third series of RMB already phased out,the present series of RMB which circulating in the market is the fifth,and a few of the fourth series.