Mn doped ZnS nanoparticles were prepared by coprecipitation method at room temperature.For 0.02 Mn doped ZnS,at first,50 ml each of both Zinc nitrate solution,manganese nitrate and saturated solution of
sodium sulfide in methanol are prepared.Zinc nitrate
solution and manganese acetate added solution are first
vigorously stirred using magnetic stirrer up to 1 h,and
then the solution of sodium sulfide is mixed with the
solution of Zinc nitrate and manganese acetate drop
wise up to PH 8.The precipitate separated from the
solution by filtration,washed several times with
distilled water and methanol to remove all sodium
particles.The wet precipitate is then dry and to obtain
ZnS nanoparticles.The wet precipitate is then dried to
obtain Mn doped ZnS nanoparticles.Using the same
method Zn1-xMnxS (x=0.00 & 0.05) samples were
人气:271 ℃ 时间:2020-07-04 08:43:40
硫化锌掺锰纳米颗粒是在室温下采用共沉法获得的.对于0.02的掺锰硫化锌,首先,各取50毫升硝酸锌溶液和硝酸锰溶液,并制备硫化钠甲醇饱和溶液.先将硝酸锌溶液和经醋酸处理过的锰溶液用磁力搅拌器剧烈搅拌一小时,然后把硫化钠溶液与硝酸锌溶液和醋酸锰混合,把PH值调至8.采用过虑把沉淀物分享出来,用蒸馏水和甲醇洗涤诺干次,彻底去除钠颗粒.干燥后获得渗锰硫化锌纳米颗粒.采用同样方法可以制备Zn1-xMnxS (x=0.00 & 0.05).
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